Thursday, February 26, 2009

I knew it!

I can be a very angry person sometimes. I've somewhat learned how to supress it. Sometimes, I'm able to just step back and see things from the other perspective. The world would be such a nicer, calmer place if everyone did that. For instance, what do you think of when a car horn sounds off? Most of the time, I'll look at someone who's doing it and see that they're pretty pissed off. All the while, this person has no idea what's going on ahead of them. Could it be that someone was struck by a car and traffic is at a stand still? Did someone's car stall? There are many possibilities.

I'll be the first to admit that I get a little ahead of myself behind the wheel sometimes. Mostly, it's when I'm in a rush so I'm not thinking straight in the first place. It's no excuse, but is probably the reason I get pissy. Anyways, I'm trying to segway into my original idea.

I've been taking the train to work since I've moved into my new place. I get into the same car when I go to work every morning. A lot of other people do too. There are the regulars I see every morning. I've come up with nicknames for them (for myself only) to identify them if I'm thinking to myself (it's about an hour to work; my mind wanders). There's these 2 dudes who are always on the train which I always had a weird feeling about. They've never said or done anything to me, nor have I witnessed them doing anything to anyone else. Just the look of their faces have always irked me, hence their label -- "the douchebags". One of the guys just always has this smirk on his face. It's kind of like he did something bad or wrong and he's so proud of it. The other dude is like his side kick and just laughs at everything he said.

This morning, I arrived at the station, parked my car and got out. As I was about to walk through the parking lot, a car zoomed by me. It's a parking lot, fairly icy and the car raced by. Luckily, I wasn't too much in the car's path but I did have to move rather quickly to get out of the way. It was a long 3 seconds. As I jumped back, I looked into the passenger side window of the car only to see a man looking back at me with a smirk -- THE smirk -- the one that made it seem like he knew he did something bad or wrong and is just so proud of it.

Thank you, sir. You've cemented your nickname as "the douchebag". I knew it.

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